Andy Hankewycz

Software Engineer

Jupiter, FL


BrightScript / SceneGraph


React / JavaScript


C / C++ / C#




Unity / Blender



Autonomous Vehicles

The 5am Club

Real Estate Investing

React Native


Virtual Reality

Work Experience

Roku Software Engineer | Float Left Interactive
Feb 2020 - Present
  • Designs, develops and troubleshoots UI elements to provide a fluid and polished user experience
  • Adheres to Figma designs to create stunning UIs that parallel across platforms
  • Integrated numerous REST and Graph QL APIs for fetching media content and metadata
  • Resolved playback errors involving incompatible video renditions on low-end devices
  • Collaborated with a client to develop a trick play thumbnail implementation meeting Roku's DASH specification
  • Implements user authentication and registration with third-party services
  • Incorporates in-app purchase transactions using Roku Pay
  • Updates core software with the latest Roku features and requirements
  • Manages additions and improvements to core software while maintaining backward compatibility with existing apps
  • Performs thorough code reviews and testing of core updates and client apps

Embedded Software Engineer | Northrop Grumman Corp
June 2016 - Feb 2020
  • Special Programs
    • Lead a $850K software integration effort incorporating FPGA, COTS processors and Integrity RTOS components
    • Succeeded in achieving an additional $1M contract
    • Collaborated with subcontractors to test, integrate, debug, and mature firmware/middleware solutions for system boot up
  • Mission Security
    • Versed in cryptography design and algorithms on Linux OS
    • In an agile team, designed the architecture of and constructed hardware abstraction middleware APIs for secure systems to customer specifications
    • Educated senior engineer on hardware architecture for API development
  • Tactical EO/IR Systems
    • Worked initial program effort for a real-time situational awareness system using LIDAR
    • Developed product demo for customer proposal
    • Optimized and integrated C++ prototype software on hardware systems in an agile environment
    • Developed C++/MATLAB interface for driving system simulations
  • SNA Core Development
    • Developed signal processing algorithms in C++ to filter noise and clutter from a high data rate radar on Linux OS

Software Engineer | Beaumont Technologies
Nov 2014 - June 2016
  • Designed and implemented proprietary algorithms in C# to predict and map flow characteristics based on temperature, cavity wall thickness and flow front velocity
  • Developed software that measures and displays material properties of a plastic melt in various molding conditions
  • Maintained a database of injection molding material characteristics for data analysis
  • Designed and implemented a Microsoft Access database for maintaining customer order information

Personal Projects

RentFluent | iOS App Store
Sept 2021 - Present
  • Developed an iOS app for real estate investors to quickly analyze key metrics in evaluating investment opportunities
  • Leverages React Native to allow for cross platform development
  • Utilizes Redux and Sagas for app state management and asynchronous operations
  • Successfully fulfills iOS App Store requirements and review for public release


Pennsylvania State University
2013 - 2016

B.S. Software Engineering

Saint Vincent College
2008 - 2012

B.S. Psychology